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Bangladesh Polytechnic Institute
Technology: CIVIL
Semester: 6th
Course Outline

Class No.
Discussion and Explanation of Topics/ Titles
Understand the modes of transportation and history of road development.
Classify transportation.
Explain the importance of transportation.
Mention the benifits of good road system.
Describe in brief the history of road development.
Mention the characteristics of important early roads.
Describe the macadam and telford road construction

Understand the concept of highway planning.
Explain the importance of highway planning.
Mention the objectives of highway planning.
Classify the road according to location & functions:
Mention the objectives of road planning & survey.

Understand the concept of alignment of road and survey.
Define alignment of road.
Mention the fundamental principles of alignment of road.
Mention the factors that controls the selection of alignment of road.
Describe the reconnaisance survey for a road construction.
Describe the preliminary survey, final location survey and soil survey for a road construction.
Mention the points to be considered in fixing location of a new urban road.

Understand the principles of highway geometric.
Classify the highway geometric into broad catagories such as:
a) Cross-sectional elements (camber, super elevation)
b) Visibility
c) Horizontal / Vertical curves
d) Road intersections
State the meaning of friction.
Mention the factors that affect friction of coefficient.
Define the terms skid and slip.
Describe the factors that affect the highway geometrics



Understand the concept of highway cross-section.
State the meaning of right of way.
Mention the factors on which the width of pavements depend.
State the terms in relation to road construction: formation width, side slope, berm, embankment, cutting, shoulder, carriage way width,footpath, cycle track, parking lanes, median strip, kerb

Understand the concept of highway cross-section.
State the meaning of camber.
Explain the necessity of camber.
Describe the procedure of providing camber in road.

Understand the concept of sight distance.
State the reaction time and reaction distance.
State the braking time and braking distance.
Classify the various types of sight distances

Understand the concept of sight distance.
Describe each type of sight distances.
Solve problems on stopping sight distance and passing sight distance.

Understand the concept of curve ,super elevation and
State the meaning of curve.
Classify the various type of curves used in highway.
Mention the reasons for extra widening of road on curve.
State the meaning of super elevation.
Describe the method of providing super elevation on site

Understand the concept of curve ,super elevation and
Solve the problems on super elevation.
State the meaning of gradient.Classify the various types of gradient.
Mention the factors on which the gradient of a road depend.
Describe the methods of fixing grade line on site.


Class test-1

Understand the concept of highway intersections.
Define intersection of roads.
Mention the purposes of intersection of roads.
Classify the level intersection of roads.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of each type of
intersections and grade separations.Define underpass and

Define the term sub-grade in highway. Describe the
characteristics of different sub-grade soil.
Mention the suitable sub-grade for various types of highway
Describe the procedure of improving sub-grade soil for road
construction.Describe construction of road in water logged area.
Understand the characteristics of different materials suitable
for highwayconstruction.
Mention the advantages and limitations of aggregates for highway construction.
Describe different types of bituminous materials for road
State the properties of bituminous materials.

Understand the concept of road formation and classification
of roads.
Describe the procedure of earth work in cutting , filling and
compaction of soil..
Describe the turfing used in road embankment.List the field
tests needed to find out the good quality of compaction of soil for road construction.
Classify the road on the basis of materials, volume of traffic, type of traffic,number of lanes, direction of movement of traffic, area they traverse, cost of roads and rigidity of roads.
Mention the factors influencing the selection of types of base and surfacing of road.

Understand the construction of Water Bound Macadam
(WBM) road.
Define water bound macadam road.
Describe the preparation of sub-grade for construction of WBM road.
Describe the spreading of coarse aggregate for construction of

Understand the construction of Bituminous road.
Define bituminous road. Classify the different types of bituminous road.
List the materials used in the bituminous pavement.
Describe the specification of the materials used for bituminous pavement.
Describe the construction procedure of bituminous road.
Define the seal coat, tack coat and prime coat.
State the terms bituminous carpet, bituminous concrete, sheet asphalt and mastic asphalt.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of bituminous road


Class test-2

Model Test

Understand the construction of Cement Concrete road.
Describe the construction procedure of cement concrete (CC),
submergible Road in hoar areas and reinforced cement concrete RCC) road.
List and explain the joints for CC and RCC road with their
specification and sketches.
Describe joint fillers & sealers in CC road and RCC road.
Mention the functions of reinforcement & dowel bars in CC and RCC road.
Mention the advantages & disadvantages of CC and RCC road.
Distinguish between flexible and rigid pavement

Understand the concept of hill road.
Mention the special points to be considered for alignment of hill road.
Define the terms: village path or track, bridle path, motor road,hill road,salient curves, re-entrant curve, hair pin bend, corner bend, trace cut.
State the meaning of retaining wall and breast wall.
Mention the causes of land slide.Mention the preventive
measures of land slide.
Understand the concept of highway drainage.
Mention the requirements of highway drainage.
Mention the factors which control the design of highway drainage system.
Mention the effects of improper drainage

Understand the concept of traffic signs.
Classify the different types of traffic signs.
Explain the importance of traffic signs.
Mention the utility of traffic studies.
Mention the utility of traffic regulations.
Mention the utility of traffic signs.

protection of trees on road sides.
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of trees on road sides.
Understand the machineries used for construction of roads & highways.
List the machineries used for cleaning the site, earth cutting, earth removing, consolidating and grading in highway construction.
List the machineries used for crushing road metals.
List the machineries used for construction of bituminous road.
List the machineries used for construction of CC & RCC road

Understand the causes of failures of roads & highways.
Describe the sub-grade, base and wearing course failures.
Mention the typical failures of flexible pavement.
Mention the causes of failures of CC & RCC road.
Mention the typical failures of CC & RCC road.
Understand the highway bridges & culverts.
Distinguish between bridge and culvert.
Mention the ideal site for construction a bridge or culvert in roads & highways.
Mention the factors which effects the choice & type of bridge or culvert

Understand the concept of planning of airport.
Mention the information required for planning of an airport.
Mention the points to be considered in selecting the site for an airport.
Describe the terms: landing strip, approach zone, running lengths & hanger.
Classify different types of airport.

Understand the concept of planning of airport.
Mention the information required for planning of an airport.
Mention the points to be considered in selecting the site for an airport.
Describe the terms: landing strip, approach zone, running lengths & hanger.
Classify different types of airport




Board Question Solution

Reference Book:-
1. Modern Refrigeration and Airconditioning
Althouse/Turnquist/ Bracciano.
2. Basic Refrigeration and Airconditioning
– Hazrh & Chakravarty.
3. Automobile Mechanics
– Crouse – Anglin.

CIVIL (TRANSPOTATION ENGINEERING) 6th Semester Course Outline CIVIL (TRANSPOTATION ENGINEERING) 6th Semester Course Outline Reviewed by Zulia Akter on November 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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