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Macro Economics

1. Overview of Macroeconomics: Key concepts of Macroeconomics-Aggregate Supply and Demand.
2. Measuring Economic Activity: Gross Domestic Product: The Yardstick of an Economy’s Performance-
Details of the National Accounts-Beyond the National Accounts-Price Indexes and Inflation.
3. Consumption and Investment: Consumption and Saving-Consumption, Income, and Saving- National
Consumption Behavior. Investment-The Investment Demand Curve-On to the Theory of Aggregate Demand.
4. Business Fluctuations and the Theory of Aggregate Demand: Business Fluctuations-Business Cycle
Theories. Foundations of Aggregate Demand-The Downward Sloping Aggregate Demand Curve-Relative
Importance of Factors Influencing Demand.
5. Process of Economic Growth: Theories of Economic Growth-The Patterns of Growth in Bangladesh.
6. The Challenge of Economic Development: Economic Growth in Poor countries-Aspects of a Developing
Country-Alternative models for Development.
7. Unemployment and the Foundations of aggregate Supply: The Foundations of Aggregate Supply-
8. Ensuring Price Stability: Definition and impact of inflation-Modern Inflation Theory- Dilemmas of Anti-
inflation Policy.
9. Policies for Growth and Stability: The Economic Consequences of the Government Debt-Stabilizing the
Economy-Economic Prospect in the New Century.
Book Recommended:
Paul A. Samuelson & William D. Nordhaus, Economics, McGraw Hill, 18th Edition.
Macro Economics Macro Economics Reviewed by Shohag on September 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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