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Business Statistics (In English)

1. Introduction: Definition, Importance and scope, Limitations, Types of Statistical Methods, Data, Types of
data, Sources of data. Classification of data, Organizing data Using data array, Tabulation of data, graphical
presentation of data, types of diagrams.
2. Measures of Central Tendency: Objectives of averaging, Requisites of a measure of central Tendency,
Measures of Central tendency, Mathematical averages, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Averages of
position, partition values, Mode, Relationship between mean, median, and mode-comparison between measures
of central tendency.
3. Measures of dispersion: Significance of measuring dispersion-classification of measures of dispersion-
distance measures-average deviation measures. Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis.
4. Probability and probability distributions: Concepts of probability-definition of probability-combinations of
permutations-Rules for probability and algebra of events-Bayes’ Theorem-Probability distributions-expected
value and variance of a random variable-Discrete Probability distributions-continuous probability distribution.
5. Sampling and Sampling distributions: Reasons of Sample Survey-Population parameters and sample
statistics-Sampling Methods-Sampling distributions-Sampling distribution of Sample mean-Sampling
distribution of sample proportion.
6. Hypothesis Testing: General procedure for Hypothesis Testing-Direction of the Hypothesis Test-Errors in
Hypothesis Testing-Hypothesis Testing for Single population mean-Hypothesis Testing for difference between
two population means-Hypothesis testing for single population proportion-Hypothesis testing for population
mean with small samples-Hypothesis testing based on F-Distribution.
7. Correlation and Regression Analysis: Significance of measuring correlation-Correlation and causation-
Methods of correlation Analysis-Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient. Understanding Regression analysis
and its advantages-Parameters of Simple linear Regression model-Methods to determine Regression
8. Forecasting and time series analysis: Understanding Forecasting-Forecasting Methods-Time series analysis-
time series decomposition Models-Trend projection methods- Quantitative forecasting methods-Measurement
of Seasonal effects-measurement of cyclical variations-Residual Method-Measurement of Irregular variations.
9. Index Number: Understanding index number-types of Index numbers-Characteristics and Uses of index
numbers-Methods for construction of Price indexes-unweighted price indexes-weighted price indexes-Quantity
or Volume indexes-Value indexes-Tests of Adequacy of Indexes-Chain Index-Consumer Price indexes.
Books Recommended:
1. Bruce L, Bowerman, Richard T.O. Connel, Michael L, Hand : Business Statistics in Practice,
2. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Business Statistics
Business Statistics (In English) Business Statistics (In English) Reviewed by Shohag on September 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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