National University Subject: English
Syllabus for Four Year B. A Honors Course Effective
from the
(Session: 2009- TO be continued)
Detailed Syllabus First Year
Course Title: Introduction to Prose:
Fiction and Non-Fiction
Course Code: 1155, Marks 100, 4 Credits, 60 Lectures
Non-Fiction: Francis Bacon—Of Studies
A.Lincon—Gettysburg Address
R.Tagore—Letter to Lord Chelmford
Rejecting Knighthood G.Orwell—Shooting an Elephant
N.C.Choudhury—River & Rain
(from The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian)
Martin Luther King—I Have a Dream
S.Maugham-- The Ant and the Grasshopper
James Joyce—Araby
K.Mansfield-- The Garden Party
Anita Desai—Games at Twilight
Edgar Allan Poe—The Tell-Tale
S.Maugham-- The Ant and the Grasshopper James Joyce—Araby K.Mansfield--
The Garden Party Anita Desai—Games at Twilight Edgar Allan Poe—The Tell-Tale
Syllabus for Four Year B. A Honors Course (Subject: Introduction to Prose: Fiction and Non-Fiction)
Reviewed by Zulia Akter
September 16, 2019

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