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Course Code 8268 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60
1. The Contract Act, 1872: Definition of contract–Essentials of contract–Communication, acceptance
and revocation of proposals–Contracts, voidable contracts and void agreements–Consignment
contracts–Contracts which must be performed–Time and place of performance–Contracts which need
not be performed–Breach of contract–Indemnity and guarantee–Bailment–Bailment of pledges–
Agency, appointment and authority of agents, sub-agents, revocation of authority, agent’s duty to
principal, principal’s duty to agent.
2. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Formation of the contract–Effects of the contract–Performance of the
contract–Rights of unpaid seller against the goods- Suits for breach of the contract.
3. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Promissory notes, bills of exchange and cheques–
Negotiations–Payment and interest–Discharge from liability on notes, bills and cheques–Notice of
dishonour–Special provisions relating to cheques–Special provisions relating to bills of exchange–
Penalties in case of dishonour of certain cheques for insufficiency of funds in the accounts
4. The Trade Marks Act, 2009: Registration procedures and duration, Effects of registration, Use of
5. The Partnership Act, 1932: The nature of partnership–Relations of partners to one another–
Relations of partners to third parties–Incoming and outgoing partners–Dissolution of a firm–
Registration of firms.
6. The Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006: Important Statutory Definitions: Factory, Worker, Employer,
Commercial Establishment, Industrial Establishment; Summary of major provisions on: Employment
and Conditions of Services, Employment of Adolescent, Provisions of Health, Hygiene, Safety and
Welfare Measures, Working hours and leave, Trade Union and Industrial relations, Dispute
resolution, Workers’ Participation in Companies’ Profits.
7. The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995: Restrictions on manufacture, sale etc. of
article s injurious to environment–Remedial measures for injury to ecosystem–Environmental
Clearance Certificate.
8. The Arbitration Act, 2001: Arbitration agreement, Subject matter of arbitration, Different methods
of arbitration, Arbitration Tribunal, Arbitral proceedings, Arbitral award, Appeals.
9. The Competition Act, 2012: Objective of the Act–Agreement against Competition–Abuse of
Dominant Position–Bangladesh Competition Commission–Complaint, Inspection and Disposal–
Reference Statutes:
The Contract Act, 1872
The Sale of Goods Act, 1930
The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
The Trade Marks Act, 2009
The Partnership Act, 1932
The Bangladesh Labor Act, 2006
The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995
The Arbitration Act, 2001
The Competition Act, 2012
Website for the laws:
BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL LAWS BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL LAWS Reviewed by Shohag on September 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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