Course Code 2573 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60
1. Accounting for Stockholders’ Equity: The Corporate Form of Organization, Corporate Capital:
Issuance of Share/stock, Reacquisition of Shares, Preferred Stock, Accounting for and Reporting
Preferred Stock, Dividend Distributions, Stock Split, Presentation of Stockholders’ Equity;
Accounting for Share-based Payment (IFRS 2).
2. Company Financial Statements: Provisions on Company financial statements in the Companies
Act 1994 and the Securities and Exchange Rules 1987; Frequency of Financial Reporting (Interim
vs. Annual); Preparation of a complete set of Financial Statements of a company as per IAS 1.
3. Revenue Recognition (IAS 18): Guidelines for Revenue Recognition, Revenue Recognition at
Point of Sale (Delivery): Sales with Discounts, Sales with Right of Return, Sales with Buybacks,
Bill and Hold Sales, Principal-Agent Relationships, Trade Loading and Channel Stuffing, Multiple-
Deliverable Arrangements; Revenue Recognition Before Delivery: Percentage-of-Completion
Method, Completed-Contract Method, Long-Term Contract Losses, Completion-of-Production
Basis; Revenue Recognition after Delivery: Installment-Sales Method, Cost-Recovery Method,
Deposit Method; Revenue Recognition for Franchises.
4. Accounting for Leases: The Leasing Environment, Off–Balance-Sheet Financing, Conceptual
Nature of a Lease; Accounting by the Lessee: Capitalization Criteria, Asset and Liability
Accounted for Differently, Capital Lease Method (Lessee), Operating Method (Lessee);
Comparison of Capital Lease with Operating Lease; Accounting by the Lessor: Economics of
Leasing, Classification of Leases by the Lessor, Direct-Financing Method (Lessor), Operating
Method (Lessor); Special Accounting Problems: Residual Values, Sales-Type Leases (Lessor),
Bargain-Purchase Option (Lessee), Initial Direct Costs (Lessor).
5. Accounting Changes and Error Analysis (IAS 8): Accounting Changes: Changes in Accounting
Principle, Retrospective Accounting Change Approach; Changes in Accounting Estimate:
Prospective Reporting; Change in Reporting Entity; Correction of Errors. Error Analysis: Balance
Sheet Errors, Income Statement Errors, Balance Sheet and Income Statement, Errors,
Counterbalancing Errors, Non-counterbalancing Errors, Preparation of Financial Statements with
Error Corrections.
6. Accounting for Operating Segments (IFRS 8): Definition of operating segments, Reportable
segments: Defined operating segments, Aggregation criteria, Quantitative thresholds.
7. Accounting relating to Bankruptcy and Liquidation: Bankruptcy of Individual, Partnership
Firms and Company under the Bankruptcy Act 1997; Dissolution of a partnership firm to form a
company and Liquidation of company.
Books Recommended:
1. Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt and Terry D. Warfield (2012), Intermediate Accounting
(Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).
2. IASB, International Financial Reporting Standards (Latest edition).
3. ICAB, Financial Accounting Study Manual (Professional Stage Application Level).
Advanced Accounting-I
Reviewed by Shohag
September 07, 2019

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